Artículos de investigación

Área de Desarrollo Humano

2022 - The impact of the presidential cassava initiative on cassava productivity in Nigeria: Implication for sustainable food supply and food security

Autores: Emmanuel Donkor, Stephen Onakuse, Joe Bogue e Ignacio de los Ríos Carmenado
Título: The impact of the presidential cassava initiative on cassava productivity in Nigeria: Implication for sustainable food supply and food security
Revista: Cogent Food & Agriculture
ISSN: 2331-1932
Volumen: 3(1)
Paginas Article: 1368857
Fecha: 2017
Lugar de Publicación: Published online
Enlace: Full article: The impact of the presidential cassava initiative on cassava productivity in Nigeria: Implication for sustainable food supply and food security (


Agricultural programmes are implemented in sub-Saharan African countries to stimulate rural economic development. One such programme is the Presidential Cassava Initiative (PCI) in Nigeria aimed at reducing poverty and food insecurity, but there is a limited study on contribution of the programme to cassava output and food security. This study estimated the effects of the PCI on cassava output and food security in Nigeria. A three-stage multivariate linear regression model was applied in the empirical analysis. The results showed that the PCI has increased cassava output; promoted food supply; and enhanced national food security. The study concludes that agricultural development interventions are required to achieve a sustainable food supply and food security in sub-Saharan Africa. It is recommended that exit strategy should be incorporated in designing agricultural interventions to enable beneficiaries to enjoy sustainable effects.

Keywords: Presidential cassava initiative; productivity; food security; sustainable; Nigeria; agricultural development


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