Susana Sastre Merino

Susana Sastre Merino

Researcher PhD

Avda. Puerta de Hierro, 2 - 28040 Madrid
School of Agricultural, Food and Biosystems Engineering (ETSIAAB, UPM)
Telf: 910 678 108

SUSANA SASTRE MERINO, Madrid, June 26, 1983


2014 PhD in Engineering

2011 Project Management Technician, TDP according to the Certification Program in IPMA/AEIPRO Project Management.

2010 Postgraduate in Advanced Studies

2008-2010 Teaching and research as part of the PhD programme "Planning and Projects" at UPM.

2001-2008 Undergraduate in Forestry Engineer, specialisation in silvopastoralism at UPM.


2012 PhD research at the Pontifical Catholic University Peru 

2011 PhD research at the Center for the Study of Institutional at Arizona State University

2007-2008 Final Year Project in development cooperation: “analysis of community forest management and its social implications in Ixtlán de Juárez, Oaxaca (Mexico)”

2005-2006 Full course at Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. Uppsala (Sweden).


2010- Present GESPLAN Group UPM
● Secretary of the professorship Food Banks
● Training Research Staff at UPM (competitive financing).
● Member of the Research Group on Planning and Sustainable Management of Local
Rural Development (GESPLAN).
● Participation in projects related to planning, social participation and GIS.
● Member of the Innovative Education Group in Engineering Projects.
● Work Outlook 2010: “Learning strategies and innovative education to foster
entrepreneurship in the Community of Madrid”
● Work Outlook 2011: “Analysis of the situation of the main nationalities in the
Community of Madrid. Training needs, employability and prospects upon return to
their country of origin.”

2008-2010 TECMENA S.L.
● Monitoring system for Tracking Damage in Forest Masses.
● Study on air pollution in the forests in the Community of Madrid.
● Monitoring of European specimens in quarantine.
● Extension of the Catalogue of Unique Trees of Castilla y León. ISBN: 84-95906-18-X2010- Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Grupo GESPLAN



Scholarship for research staff in training. UPM, Department of Projects and Rural Planning (RR01 / 2009). Responsible Professor: Ignacio de los Ríos Carmenado (01/02 / 2010-31 /01/2014)

UPM Scholarship for the completion of the Final Year Project in development cooperation at the University of the Sierra Juárez, Ixtlán de Juárez, Oaxaca, Mexico (08/23 / 2007-15 /02/2008)

Erasmus scholarship of UPM and the Community of Madrid for the research stay at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. Uppsala, Sweden (08/27 / 2005-08 / 06/2006)


Evaluation of the situation of fisher women in the coastal communities of Arequipa and Ica (Peru). ICU Peru 2013.

Analysis of the situation of the main nationalities in the Community of Madrid. Training needs, employability and prospects upon return to their country of origin. Work Outlook 2011.

Learning strategies and innovative education to foster entrepreneurship in the Community of Madrid. Work Outlook 2010.


AEIPRO Young Investigator Award, at the 17th International Congress on Project
Management and Engineering. Logroño, July, 17-19th 2013.


Teaching in the Master's programme Project Planning for Rural Development and Sustainable Management, during the first semester, academic year 2013/2014

Teaching in the Master's programme Geodetic Engineering and Cartography, module taught "Rural and urban development", during the first semester, academic year 2012/2013

Teaching in the module Final Year Project at ETSI Agronomists UPM. Second semester, academic year 2012/2013

Traineeship of the course for first time teachers at UPM. ICE UPM. Academic year 2012-2013

Google Scholar of Susana Sastre Merino

Where we are

Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería
Agronómica, Alimentaria y de Biosistemas

Campus Ciudad Universitaria
Avenida Puerta de Hierro, 2 - 4
28040 Madrid, España

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