The Ingenio Foundation was initiated by a group of businessmen who jointly wanted to support ethical business development. According to UPM Professor Adolfo Cazorla, “this joint adventure is based on the mentality of solidarity in projects”. What is the aim of the Foundation and what is its brand?

  • Receive and to listen to the ideas of young people at the end university, in order to turn them into business projects and commercial value.
  • Study these projects to select the best ones and helping them to get started.
  • Provide facilities, equipped with all kinds of services for the young entrepreneurs.
  • Involve the entrepreneurs in projects, participating in the shareholding, financing, directing, training and helping the business development.
  • Train students in business with an ethical basis.
  • Conduct studies on business developments in nationally or internationally disadvantaged regions.
  • Carry out and contribute to environmental studies, creating projects for the recovery and commercialization of environmental problems.

"I think it is a very nice project, responding to a very interesting challenge, in an ideal setting, where University, Business, Businessmen and Young students participate with a common goal, to develop their skills and  ideas and turn them into business realities".

For us at the Ingenio Foundation, it is important to always remember that at the heart of our cause are the people.

Firma del acuerdo Catedra Fundación Ingenio

The Rector Carlos Conde Lázaro and the President of the Ingenio Adolfo García Albadelejo Foundation signed last Friday, June 7, 2013 the Agreement establishing the partnership UPM - Ingenio Foundation.

The Ingenio Foundation was initiated by a group of businessmen who jointly wanted to support ethical business development. According to UPM Professor Adolfo Cazorla, “this joint adventure is based on the mentality of solidarity in projects”.

The Director of the College of Agronomists (ETSIAAB), Miguel Angel Garcimartín, considers that these initiatives are being the College and the University, this new partnership relies on your support and that of the College.

“Selected moments of the signing of the agreement of the Partnership UPM - Ingenio Foundation”

Firma del acuerdo Cátedra Fundación Ingenio
Cátedra Fundación Ingenio - UPM
El Vicerrector de Investigación, Adolfo Cazorla y el Director de la ETSI Agrónomos

“The Vice Chancellor for Research, Adolfo Cazorla and the Director of the College of Agronomists (ETSIAAB)”

Presidente de la Fundación Ingenio Adolfo García
The words of the President of the Ingenio Foundation, Adolfo García, reflect the personal and business ties of his company Camposeven with our University for several years.

“We have participated in the summer courses for several years; We also created a Spin Off to develop research projects with a professor from this University, Dr. Antonio Molina. At the initiative of Dr. Adolfo Cazorla  we created an Agrifood Platform composed of several businessmen from various areas of Spain. On this platform we collaborate in the training of students of this University in the different areas of the company. ”

He commented that the Ingenio Foundation is the result of what he calls "Relational Capital", whose setting connects people whos meetings, over the years, bear tangible results, in this specific case: the partnership UPM - Ingenio Foundation. "If I had to define the goal of the foundation in two words, they would be to teach and to support."


“The President of the Ingenio Adolfo García Foundation”

What is the aim of the Foundation and what is its brand?

  • Receive and to listen to the ideas of young people at the end university, in order to turn them into business projects and commercial value.
  • Study these projects to select the best ones and helping them to get started.
  • Provide facilities, equipped with all kinds of services for the young entrepreneurs.
  • Involve the entrepreneurs in projects, participating in the shareholding, financing, directing, training and helping the business development.
  • Train students in business with an ethical basis.
  • Conduct studies on business developments in nationally or internationally disadvantaged regions.
  • Carry out and contribute to environmental studies, creating projects for the recovery and commercialization of environmental problems.
"I think it is a very nice project, responding to a very interesting challenge, in an ideal setting, where University, Business, Businessmen and Young students participate with a common goal, to develop their skills and  ideas and turn them into business realities".
Fundación Ingenio

We believe that with this partnership we will:

  • As a university, take a step forward in terms of responsibility and contribution to society, clearly expressing the concern for the future of our students.
  • Offer a challenge and novelty for business in which they commit to sharing their experiences in joint projects with young people, which can be a very positive and high value experience in the recruitment of young talent.
  • Give inspiration and hope to young students that at the end of university they can become entrepreneurs.
  • Contribute to business development and social/ethical entrepreneurs within our society. To create jobs and inspiration for people with ideas willing to work.
  • A University initiative that has caught my attention is the launch of the Business Ideas Contest. I think we should start looking into the ideas generated in this contest.
  • Part of the spirit of the Foundation is that aspiring entrepreneurs are trained in project management via the IPMA Certification. A few years ago I certified for level B, IPMA is a work methodology and an international accreditation that reinforces their knowledge and studies.
Fundación Ingenio

“Vice Chancellor Research, Dr. Professor, Dr.  ETSIA, Director, President Ingenio Foundation, President Peinsa of the Ingenio Foundation and President of the UPM Social Council ”

Where we are

Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería
Agronómica, Alimentaria y de Biosistemas

Campus Ciudad Universitaria
Avenida Puerta de Hierro, 2 - 4
28040 Madrid, España

  • dummy+34 910 670 980

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