2013 - Facilitation in Community Development. Twenty-Five Years of Experience in Rural Territories in Cuenca, Spain

Autores: José María Díaz-Puente, Franciso J. Gallego, Pablo Vidueira y María José Fernández
Título: Facilitation in Community Development. Twenty-Five Years of Experience in Rural Territories in Cuenca, Spain
Revista: European Planning Studies. ISSN: 1469-5944
Volumen: 22
Indexado en ISI: Si. Factor de Impacto JCR (0,562)
Páginas: Inicial:1    Final:   17
Editorial: Taylor & Francis Online
Fecha: 2013
Lugar de Publicación: United Kingdom
Documento: Pinche aqui
Enlace Pinche aqui



The process of facilitation aims to solve community problems by encouraging the exploitation of skills through different tools implemented by the facilitator. Facilitation has been analysed in the context of advanced and established groups with well-defined objectives, but not at the start of these groups. This article analyses the facilitation process carried out by the Institute of Community Development over 25 years with four work groups in rural areas of Cuenca, Spain. The leadership role taken on by the facilitator is crucial when it comes to identifying and managing the initial efforts required to start the group work. During the facilitation process, training and information tools are essential. It is also important to see a suitable transfer of roles between the facilitator and the stakeholders as they acquire new skills. This transfer is crucial for the continuity of the group and can cause difficulties if it does not happen.

Keywords: Facilitation; Working group; Competences; Sustainability; Continuity 



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