2013 - Rural Depopulation in the Pampean Region of Argentina: Intervention Model

Autores: Ricardo Stratta Fernández, Francisca Gómez Gajardo y Pablo Rodríguez Sáez
Título: Rural Depopulation in the Pampean Region of Argentina: Intervention Model
Revista: Cuadernos de Desarrollo Rural. ISSN: 0122-1450
Volumen: 10 (70)
Indexado en ISI: Si. Factor de Impacto (2011): 0,143
Páginas: Inicial: 201 Final: 218
Fecha: 2013
Lugar de Publicación: Bogota, Colombia
Documento: Pinche aqui
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The depth of technological changes in the Pampas agriculture, led to the downsizing of the agricultural structure, due to the loss of producers and the decline of the population in rural areas. This article analyses this problem, and proposes a new intervention model for rural communities, incorporating the conceptual foundations of WWP (Working With People), the planning as a way of Social Learning and elements of the European initiative LEADER. In addition to the development of these principles, their application in Punta Indio and the Pampas region of Argentina is described. After a number of years since it began, its importance in articulating rural development in rural communities with depopulation problems is also highlighted.

Keywords: Agricultural transformation, Pampas region (Argentina), depopulation, rural villages, social learning, endogenous development, partnership; agriculture, socialization; rural planning; rural development projects

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