2011 - Reforma Agraria en Colombia: Evolución histórica del concepto. Hacia un enfonque integral actual

Autores: Angélica María Franco Cañas e Ignacio De los Ríos Carmenado
Título: Reforma Agraria en Colombia: Evolución histórica del concepto. Hacia un enfonque integral actual
Revista: Cuadernos de Desarrollo Rural. ISSN: 0122-1450
Volumen: 8 (67)
Páginas Inicio: 93 Final: 119
Fecha: 2011
Lugar de Publicación: Bogotá (Colombia)
Documento: Pinche aquí
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Agrarian Reform (AR) in Colombia is a strategic issue for the solution of problems affecting the country for years, such as rural violence, forced displacement, unemployment, poverty and drug trafficking. This research characterizes the historical process of RA by examining the evolution of the concept in different periods, and establishing the new approach that addresses this. The analysis shows the existence of eleven historical periods (from 1200 to present) and the evolution of RA, from a simple, one-sided approach in which only addressed the issue of land ownership to a focus integral that takes into account the articulation of agricultural issues to the social, economic and political, through planning proposals that integrate other aspects such as basic needs, access to credit, technical assistance and business partnership and participation in decision making.

Keywords: Land reform in Colombia, agrarian structure, land tenure, planning, integral approach; land reform, agricultural planning, rural development, social reform

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