Pablo Vidueira Mera

Pablo Vidueira Mera

Researcher PhD

Avda. Puerta de Hierro, 2 - 28040 Madrid
School of Agricultural, Food and Biosystems Engineering (ETSIAAB, UPM)
Telf: 910 670 929

PABLO VIDUEIRA MERA was born in Madrid in 1984.


2010-2016. PhD in Rural Development Project Planning and Sustainable Management at UPM. Project with quality endorsement of the ANECA. Title: “The evaluation of impacts for the improvement of rural development programmes. Application of the systems approach with the corn producers of the communities in Puebla (Mexico)”. Outstanding honours. 

2009-2010. Master's degree in Project Planning for Rural Development and Sustainable Management, at UPM. Official research master of the UPM and part of the Erasmus-Mundus programme of the European Commission.

2002-2009. Bachelor’s degree Agricultural Engineer. Specialization in environment and land management, at UPM..


Certified expert in Project Management - IPMA level C®. International Project Management Association

Writing winning evaluation proposals I and II. American Evaluation Association (2015)

Propensity Score Matching. American Evaluation Association (2014)

Multi-Level Modelling American Evaluation Association (2014)

Model Thinking Michigan University - Ann Arbour / Coursera (2011)

Introduction to Dynamic Simulation. Centre for Studies and Research for the Management of Agricultural and Environmental Risks (2011)

Statistics in experimental research. Institute of Education Sciences at UPM (2011).


Since September 2009 member of GESPLAN Research Group on Project Planning for Rural Development and Sustainable Management. Department of Projects and Rural Planning.

Participation in several professional, research and training projects linked to (1) the evaluation of public policies, programmes and projects; (2) rural development planning; and (3) to promoting research within various institutions, organizations and companies in different countries. Some of the projects carried out are:

• Evaluation of the productive programme to improve the cultivation of corn in the State of Puebla (Mexico). With the Graduate College of Mexico (2014-present).

• Evaluation of the job orientation and labour mediation programmes of the Community of Madrid. Project within the Program "Work Outlook 2013", for the Ministry of Employment, Tourism and Culture of the Community of

• Design of the Monitoring and Evaluation System of the Employment Programmes of the Community of Madrid. Project framed within the “Work Outlook 2012” Programme, for the Ministry of Employment, Women and Immigration of the Community of Madrid.

• Evaluation of development plans and projects applying “Empowerment Evaluation”. Project carried out during 2011 for the Community of Madrid.

• Study of the results of the application of the LEADER methodology during the period 1991-2011 in region of Alcarria Conquense. 2011 for CEDER Alcarria Conquense Local Action Group.


Teaching in three master's courses related to project evaluation and scientific research at the Salesian Polytechnic University, Ecuador, since 2015.

Several courses and workshops on evaluation and research with universities, foundations and non-governmental organizations in Mexico, Peru, Ecuador, Bolivia, Uganda, Spain and the Netherlands

September 2008 - March 2010 Work in the Department of Edaphology a, within the project: Analysis of Organic Materials as Substrates or Components of Growing Substrates.


Author of more than 10 scientific articles and 15 conference communications.

Google Scholar of Pablo Vidueira

Where we are

Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería
Agronómica, Alimentaria y de Biosistemas

Campus Ciudad Universitaria
Avenida Puerta de Hierro, 2 - 4
28040 Madrid, España

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