Tenured Professor at ETSIAAB, UPM
Avda. Puerta de Hierro, 2 - 28040 Madrid
School of Agricultural, Food and Biosystems Engineering (ETSIAAB, UPM)
Telf: 910 670 950
email: miguelangel.gomezelvira@upm.es
MIGUEL ÁNGEL GÓMEZ-ELVIRA GONZÁLEZ was born in Madrid on March 16, 1961. He is an Agronomist (October 1986) and an Agricultural Engineer (May 1994) at Polytechnic University of Madrid (UPM).
Agronomist in the private sector (September 1987 - August 1988). Professor at Interim University School of UPM (October 1988 - September 1994). Associate Professor at Interim University of UPM (October 1994 - November 1996). Professor at ETSIAAB UPM School of Agricultural Engineers (November 1996 - present) in the department of "Cartographic Engineering, Geodesy and Photogrammetry - Graphic Expression". Area of expertise: Graphic Expression in Engineering.
Subjects taught in the Degree Agricultural Engineering: Graphic Expression (2nd Year, 1st semester. 4.5 credits). Technical Curves (Elective in 2nd semester. 1 credit). Computer Aided Drawing (CAD) (Elective in 2nd semester. 4.5 credits). Professor of CAD and GIS programmes in institutional and private courses.
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería
Agronómica, Alimentaria y de Biosistemas
Campus Ciudad Universitaria
Avenida Puerta de Hierro, 2 - 4
28040 Madrid, España
dummy+34 910 670 980
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