José María Díaz Puente

José María Díaz Puente

Tenured Professor at ETSIAAB, UPM

Avda. Puerta de Hierro, 2 - 28040 Madrid
School of Agricultural, Food and Biosystems Engineering (ETSIAAB, UPM)

Telf: 910 670 932


JOSÉ MARÍA DÍAZ PUENTE obtained the title of Agricultural Engineer in 1998 at UPM. In 1999 he joined the Research Staff Training Program (FPI) of the Community of Madrid and completed his education at UPM (Department of Projects and Rural Planning), at University of Berkeley (at the Institute of Urban and Regional Development) and Stanford (in the Policy Analysis & Evaluation Department) in America.

His area of research are participatory methodologies for planning, evaluation and management of policies and programmes, especially socio-economic, regional and rural development. In 2003 he obtained his PhD at UPM and won the Europe Prize for his contribution to the evaluation of European policies. Between 2005-2007 he was awarded a Fulbright Scholarship to further his work in evaluation for two years at Stanford University. He collaborated and directed numerous international, European, research projects of the national R & D & I plan as well as regional research plans. In 2009 he scored 96 points out of 100 in  an evaluation of the ANEP (National Evaluation and Prospective Agency) as part of the “Ramón y Cajal Program” of the Ministry of Science and Innovation. The results of his research were presented in over sixty communications in national and international scientific congresses; He organized conferences with international experts in evaluation and planning of public policies in Europe and America; He has been invited as a guest speaker by universities such as Harvard or Stanford, by government institutions in Spain, Mexico or Poland among others, as well as by professional institutions such as the American Evaluation Association. He is the author of more than thirty scientific publications in books and international journals such as the Community Development Journal, American Journal of Evaluation, Evaluation Review, European Planning Studies, Perspectives in Education, Procedia, Agrociencia, Notebooks of Rural Development or Geographical Studies among others.

Since 2007 he teaches at the UPM, starting as a researcher under Juan de la Cierva, since 2009 as Assistant Professor Doctor, and since 2012 as Professor. He taught in various undergraduate and postgraduate programmes at the universities of Antonio de Nebrija, UPM, Stanford and Postgraduate College of Mexico; as well as in the Master and Doctorate Erasmus Mundus Programme of the EU Commission. He directed several final year projects and master’s theses as well as four completed and three ongoing doctoral theses. He currently teaches undergraduate and postgraduate classes (of both master's and doctorate level) at UPM in modules related to planning, management and development evaluation. He has participated in several projects of innovation and teacher improvement as the knowledge transfer and student development are one of his major concerns. Since 2010 he is the UPM coordinator of the Erasmus Mundus Master Program “Agris Mundus”. Agris Mundus has been complemented in its European call of 2010 by the Erasmus Mundus Doctoral Programme AgTrain. AgTrain is among the 9 chosen programmes out of 148 application funded by the EU.

He is accredited “Project Management Technician” by IPMA (International Project Management Association) and cooperated with governments, universities and companies for planning and evaluation of different public policies at regional, national, European and international scope. He directed several socio-economic development programmes at a local, regional and national level, as well as various evaluation works at international and European level, within the framework of the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) and in the General Directorate of Agriculture of the European Union. He has been a supporting consultant for the regional government of Madrid and the national government of Mexico on issues related to regional and rural development. He is associate editor of the Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research and an evaluator of the American Journal of Evaluation, both prestigious journals indexed in ISI. He is a member of GESPLAN research group at UPM, of the Spanish Evaluation Association (SEE), of the American Evaluation Association (AEA), of the European Evaluation Society (EES) and of the Spanish Association of Project Engineering (AEIPRO). He was the Secretary of the Scientific Committee of the latter between 2008–2011.

Where we are

Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería
Agronómica, Alimentaria y de Biosistemas

Campus Ciudad Universitaria
Avenida Puerta de Hierro, 2 - 4
28040 Madrid, España

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