José Antonio Navarro Rey

José Antonio Navarro Rey

Avda. Avda. Puerta de Hierro, 2 - 28040 Madrid
School of Agricultural, Food and Biosystems Engineering (ETSIAAB, UPM) 
Telf: 914 562 070

Industrial Engineer 

[Jan.’19 - Act.] Innovation and Digital Transformation Consultant, Aluxion Innovation Hub 

• Definition, development and implementation of methodologies and workflows in the department.

• Market analysis and technological monitoring.

• Use of the Design Thinking, Lean Start-up and Agile methodologies to devise,build, measure, learn and develop two types of projects: concept trail and innovation service 

[Nov.’17 - Dec.’18] Innovation Project Manager, Department of Innovation and Digital Transformation, Carrefour Spain 

• Detection and analysis of new technological and product trends based on client preferences within the different segments: full-range market, supermarkets, petrol stations, travel and financial services.

• Use of the Design Thinking and Lean Start-up methodologies to develop and test a  concept; design and management of projects to promote innovation and explore new business models.

• Use of growth hacking techniques and Lean Analytics innovation methodology in E-Commerce to measure and analyse information; propose new omni-channel business models based on data.

• Project development, planning, setting priorities in product requirements and time management of equipment supply. 

[Sept.’13 - Oct.’17] Project Manager, GESPLAN Research Group (UPM) 

• Member of the Ingenio Foundation - UPM. Promotion of social entrepreneurship projects, promoting technological development and the use of new technologies. Development of business plans, economic feasibility studies and data analysis.

• Participation in the ECOFISH Project, Horizon 2020 Marie Sklodowska-Curie Programme, H2020-MSCA-RISE-2014, European Commission. Research Exchange with research and innovation staff of Cornell University, New York, USA.

• Technical Secretary of the UPM course in Continuous Education “Certification in Project Management: Basis for Competition”. Management Economic and academic Use of databases in Microsoft Excel and the University's own software platforms.

• Member of Food Bank - UPM. Dissemination and transfer of technology. Knowledge generation for the improvement of logistics processes of acceptance, classification and distribution of food. Research and scientific writing in the CSR Business.


•Master in Business Intelligence and Big Data, at the School of Industrial Organization (EOI), Madrid

• Bachelor’s degree in Industrial Technology Engineering, specialisation in Industrial Organization at ETSII UPM. 


• EOI + Programme: Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Digital Transformation, Leadership and Social Initiatives, School of Industrial Organization (EOI), Madrid

• Postgraduate course: “Doing Business in China”, Fudan University, Shanghai, China

• Summer course: “Management: a Professional Future”, IESE Business School, Barcelona

• Summer course: “Inspiring Leadership” and “Creating Green Cities and Sustainable Futures”, Cornell University, New York, USA

• Seminar: “Certification in Project Management: Basis for Competition”, IPMA (International Project Management Association) and UPM, Madrid


 “Innovationinpointsofsaleinthewholesaleretailingtoreducefoodwaste”,awarded with V Academic Awards of AECOC in the category of Applied Technology and Article on the website of The Foundation for Knowledge Madri+d (Ministry of Education and Research of the Community of Madrid).

• “Tool for supermarkets and customers thereof.” Intellectual Property Registry of the Community of Madrid: Number M-001991/2016.

• “Food Banks as a training tool to foster healthy and responsible consumption behaviour”, recognized with the “Young Investigator Award” and Communication in the 18th International Congress on Project Management and Engineering, AEIPRO.

• Development Cooperation Project in Juli, Peru. GESPLAN group UPM and Madrid City Council. UPM, Madrid (Oct.’08)


• Spanish (native) and English (C1 Advanced)  

Where we are

Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería
Agronómica, Alimentaria y de Biosistemas

Campus Ciudad Universitaria
Avenida Puerta de Hierro, 2 - 4
28040 Madrid, España

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