Francisco José Gallego Moreno

Francisco José Gallego Moreno

Appointed Professor Doctor, Faculty of Social Work, University of Castilla-La Mancha. UCLM Cuenca, Spain. Project Engineering panel. AEIPRO



  • 2012. PhD at UPM in Planning of Rural Development Projects and Sustainable Management.
  • 2010. Certified expert in Project Management IPMA Level C by the Project Management of the Spanish Association of Project Engineering. AEIPRO
  • 2007. Certification in Project Management. UPM.
  • 2006. International Master’s in Rural Development. UPM.
  • 2005. Bachelor’s in Humanities. University of Castilla-La Mancha.
  • 2002. Diploma in Social Work. University of Castilla-La Mancha.
  • 2002. Master’s in Local Development. International Institute for Training-Development of Local Agents (INFODAL) and the Institute of Economics and Geography of the Higher Council for Scientific Research (IEG-CSIC)


Since 2006 he teaches at the Faculty of Social Work in Cuenca, University of Castilla-La Mancha, first as Associate Professor and since 2016 as an Appointed Professor Doctor. He has carried out different teaching activities, including internationally with his teaching in the Master’s in Social Development Management at the Graduate College of Mexico since 2016. He participated in several project of teacher improvement and innovation, given his main concern is the suitable knowledge transfer and personal development of the students.

He presented the results of his research at more than twenty national and international scientific congresses. He organized conferences with international experts in public policy planning in Europe and America. He was invited as a speaker in Universities, such as the University of Tlaxcala and the Graduate College (Mexico) as well as by government institutions in Spain, Mexico, Portugal and Romania. He is the author of a dozen scientific publications in international journals such as European Planning Studies, Perspectives in Education, Procedia-Social and Behavioural Sciences, Communications in Computer and Information Science, Agrociencia, Notebooks for Rural Development or Geographic and National Studies such as the Journal of Studies on Depopulation and Rural Development and the Journal of Rural Development and Agricultural Cooperativism.

He is part of the Group for Social Service Innovation and Evaluation at the University of Castilla-La Mancha, as well as a collaborating member at GESPLAN research group UPM and the Generation of Knowledge Application Line Territories and Social Reproduction Strategies of Family Farming, at the Graduate College (Mexico)..



  • 1997-2014. Manager of the Rural Development Programmes of the Federation Association for the Development of the Sierra and La Mancha Conquense (Cuenca). During this time, he planned, designed and managed three rural development programmes co-financed by the European Union, national and regional administration: 
    • 1997-1999. Rural Development Programme for the Diversification of the Economy in Rural Areas (PRODER);
    • 2002-2006. Rural Development Programme for the Diversification of the Economy in Rural Areas (PRODER2); and finally
    • 2007-2013. LEADER Territorial Development Programme.
    • As a result of these rural development programmes more than 350 projects were generated and more than 35 million Euros of public and private funds mobilized.
  • 1984-2009. Founding member of the Association of Community Development Institute of Cuenca, an entity promoting people and improving the quality of life in rural areas of the province Cuenca. His functions was initially  that of a technician and later the director since 1993.

Where we are

Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería
Agronómica, Alimentaria y de Biosistemas

Campus Ciudad Universitaria
Avenida Puerta de Hierro, 2 - 4
28040 Madrid, España

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