Francisca Gómez Gajardo

Francisca Gómez Gajardo

AUTONOMOUS UNIVERSITY OF CHILE, Vice-Rector of the Department of Quality Assurance and Quality Management



PhD in Rural Development Project Planning and Sustainable Management at UPM, Spain, Master in Local Economic Development at the London School of Economics and Political Science (United Kingdom), and Bachelor in Geography at the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile. IPMA Certified Project Management Technician.

Expert in development and management of research, design, project management innovative education, local economic development and entrepreneurship. He was part of 12 research projects, and published 10 articles in indexed journals, as well as book chapters (3) and gave presentations at conferences (13 since 2010).

Analytical and proactive professional, with high resilience under pressure.


AUTONOMOUS UNIVERSITY OF CHILE, Vice-Rector of the Department of Quality Assurance and Quality Management (January 2018 - Present)

TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY OF CHILE, INACAP, Vice-Rector of Innovation and Postgraduate Studies (Chile) in the National Directorate of Postgraduate and Sub-Directorate Postgraduate Programmes (August 2016 - December 2017)

TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY OF CHILE, INACAP, Vice Rectory of Innovation and Postgraduate Studies (Chile). Innovation Management Center. Productive Innovation Advisor (August 2015- August 2016)

TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY OF CHILE, INACAP, National Training Directorate (Chile). (March 2013 - August 2015)

TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF MADRID, Grupo GESPLAN (Spain). Associate Researcher, Project Manager. (January 2008 - November 2011)

UNIVERSITY ALBERTO HURTADO, CIDE (Chile). Teacher. (January 2013 - August 2015)

UNIVERSITY ALBERTO HURTADO, CIDE (Chile). Professor. (July 2003 - December 2010)


2017 Member of the Scientific Committee XI: Workshop EmprendeSur (Coyhaique, October 10-13, 2017).

2016-Present Director of the Postgraduate Programme “Integrated Project Management”, at Technological University of Chile, INACAP (online with some taught classes).

2016-Present Member of the Scientific Committee of the Project Engineering Congress AEIPRO.

2015 Postgraduate Professor of the module “Programmes, Portfolios and Growth Models PMO” in the Master’s in Project Management, together with Dr. Jesús Martínez Almela, of University of Piura, Peru.

2011-2015 Coordination and support in the development of thesis in the Master's in Management and School Management at University Alberto Hurtado, Chile.



PhD in Project Planning for Rural Development and Sustainable Development, doctoral thesis: “Model of Professional Competencies for School Directors: Development and Application to the Field of Subsidized Private Education”. Awarded with Outstanding Honours.


Master of Science in Local Economic Development, thesis: “Social Capital, Institutions and Economic Development: The experience of Emprende Chile in Huasco, Atacama Region, Chile”.


Postgraduate in Applied Geography and Environment awarded with two votes of distinction.


Bachelor in Geography. Awarded with one vote of distinction.


2016-2017 Technological University of Chile INACAP. Project: Global Entrepreneurship Monitor Report (Regional). Development of the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor Report for the regions of Los Lagos and Maule.

2012 - 2013 CHILE FOUNDATION. Project: “Best Practices for School Management” Consulting for Chile Foundation within the project Best Management Practices.

2010 - 2011 Polytechnic University of Madrid – Work Outlook 2011, Spain. Project Manager: “Unmet Demand for Work in the Community of Madrid” Research as part of the Labour Outlook Programme of the Ministry of Employment, Women and Immigration of the Community of Madrid.

2009 - 2010 Polytechnic University of Madrid – Work Outlook 2010, Spain. Project Manager: “Learning strategies and educational innovation to promote entrepreneurship in the Community of Madrid” Research as part of the Labour Outlook Programme of the Ministry of Employment, Women and Immigration of the Community of Madrid.

2008 - 2009 Polytechnic University of Madrid - Work Outlook 2009, Spain. Project: “International models for the certification of professional competencies as an employability tool: Application in the Community of Madrid” Research as part of the Labour Outlook Programme of the Ministry of Employment, Women and Immigration of the Community of Madrid.

2005 International Labour Organization (ILO), United Nations. Project: “Huasco: The Difficult Dialogue with Large Foreign Investments” Consulting within the ILO Internship Programme. Final report published in the book "Three Processes, Three Perspectives" edited by ILO, Chile Emprende and GTZ in June 2006.

2002 - 2003 FLACSO, Argentina. Project: “Liberalization of Educational Services: Trends and Challenges for Latin America.” Consultancy for the Latin American Network of Commercial Policy (supported by IDRC-Canada). Document published in September 2003.

2001 - 2002 International Labour Organization (ILO), United Nations. Project: “Social Dialogue in Education. A Regional Survey” Consulting for the Committee of Experts on the Application of Recommendations for Teaching Personnel (CEART). Published in 2005.

1999 - 2002 Ford Foundation - Federal University Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.Project: “Map of Violence and Citizenship: Cartography of Violence in the Southern Tip” Consultancy on the state of urban and rural violence in four Latin American countries. Researcher responsible for the case study of urban Chile.

2000 - 2001 National Foundation of Youth and Children's Orchestras, Chile.Project: “State of the Art of Youth and Children's Orchestras in Chile” Consultancy conducted for Beethoven Foundation commissioned by the First Lady's Cabinet as analysis of the current state of the Youth and Children Orchestra Programme of Chile.

2000 UNESCO. Project: “State of Education in Latin America and the Caribbean, 1980 - 2000” Consultancy as part of the Regional Statistics Systems and Indicators Programme. Responsible for the analysis of the current state the Caribbean countries.

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Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería
Agronómica, Alimentaria y de Biosistemas

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