Fernando Rodríguez López

Fernando Rodríguez López

Tenured Professor at ETSI Civil Engineering

C/ Profesor Aranguren, 3 - 28040 Madrid
ETSI Civil Engineering

Telf: 910 674 118
email: fernando.rodriguezl@upm.es frodriguez@ciccp.es

FERNANDO RODRÍGUEZ LÓPEZ was born in Lugo May 30, 1959. He is a Civil Engineer since 1983 and Doctor of Civil Engineering at UPM since 1987.

University Professor.

Member of the Pan American Academy of Engineering.

He is currently in charge of Project, Risk and Disaster Management Teaching in the department of construction at the School of Civil Engineering (ETSICCP UPM).

Coordinating professor (academic director) of the final year projects at the department of construction at ETSICCP UPM. Tenured professor of Evaluation Processes as well as Projects and Final Year Projects; Active Professor of Physics, all at ETSICCP UPM. Elected member of the School Board of ETSICCP UPM from 1991 and designated member from 2004 to 2016.


President of the International Association of Engineering and Architecture, IAEA. Member of the World Council of Civil Engineers (WCCE), being Vice-President of the Subcommittee on Sustainable Certification, Chairman of the Subcommittee on Civil Engineering Insurance and Guarantees, Vice President of the Standing Committee of Construction of the World Council of Civil Engineers. Lead investigator of the programme: “EUROPEAN COOPERATION IN THE FIELD OF SCIENTIFIC AND THECNOLOGICAL RESEARCH (COST)” as well as the international project “C23 Low Carbon Urban Built Environments”. Advisor of Sector 5 “Free Practice and Consulting Engineers” of the General Council of COICCP. Vice-president of the advisory commission of the Visa and Professional Activity board of the COICCP. Member of the General Council Bureau at COICCP. Member of the advisory committee of Professional Practice and Consulting Companies at COICCP. Chairman of the WG Construction within the advisory committee of Professional Practice and Consulting Companies. Chairman of the WG Risk and Warranty of the advisory committee of Free Practice and Consulting Engineers. Member of the Building Demarcation Committee of COICCP Madrid. Member of the Scientific-technical Association of Structural Concrete (ACHE). Lead researcher of the programme: “RISK MANAGEMENT IN ENGINEERING PROJECTS”, project: “Methodologies for the Incorporation of Quality Risk Management Techniques: Deadlines and Costs of Engineering Projects”. Lead investigator of two project in the programme: “ANALYSIS OF SUSTAINABILITY REQUIREMENTS IN ENGINEERING PROJECTS”, project: “Establishing a Tool to Evaluate the Sustainable Parameters of an Engineering or Architecture Project.”; As well project: “ Evaluation of Gas and CO2 Emissions as a Result of Construction Work or Building”.


He directed 520 Final Year Projects, which represents 2.5% of the Civil Engineers active in Spain. He has been in charge and teaching the core module “Construction” (4 months, 5th year, 4 credits) of Civil Engineering at UPM. He has been in charge and teaching the core module of Technical Topographic Engineering (2nd year, complete course, 4 credits at UPM. He has been in charge and teaching the full course of 6th year at the department of Construction for 17 years, i.e. Final Year Project at ETSICCP UPM (4 credits). He taught 6 times “Occupational Risk Prevention in Specialized Sectors” at the Centre for Postgraduate Studies in Business Administration (CEPADE). He taught 8 times “Master’s in Management of Sports Organization and Facilities” at the Faculty of Physical Activity and Sports Sciences (INEF) at UPM. He also taught some courses at: UNED, IADE (UAM), E.T.S. ICCP University of Burgos, University of Alcalá, University of Castilla-La Mancha, Camilo José Cela University, etc.


2017 ALFONSO VAZQUEZ FRAILE Award for his contribution to the quality and risk management in cooperative projects in Spain. Prize for Professional Practice in 2008 by the World Civil Engineering Council (WCCE) for his contributions and research achievements. He has received several individual and collective awards, namely: Collectives: Best department at UPM by the General Foundation of UPM; Best Project in Quality Residential Building in the Community of Madrid by Madrid Housing Institute - IVIMA. And the following individual awards: Award for Best Research Work in Reinforced Concrete by Halesa. Merit of the Brazilian housing cooperative, CONFHAB Confederaçao Brasileira das Cooperativas Habitacionais. Amigo das cooperativas habitacionais Brasileiras por Frente Parlamentar do Cooperativismo del Congreso Federal de Brasil. Scholarship of the National Training Plan for Research Personnel by the General Directorate of Scientific Policy. Scholarship for the experiments of his PhD by the Technical Institute of Materials and Constructions (INTEMAC).


He jointly provided criteria, methodologies, training and teaching on the prevention of material damage in the technical control of projects, works and construction sites, promoting prevention through insurance policies. These works have contributed significantly to development in Spain both in its optional phase, since 1991, and in the mandatory phase since 2000 by Royal Decree. This had a significant influence in technical control on construction sites in Spain in recent years.

Where we are

Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería
Agronómica, Alimentaria y de Biosistemas

Campus Ciudad Universitaria
Avenida Puerta de Hierro, 2 - 4
28040 Madrid, España

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