Artículos de investigación

Area de planificación y gestión

2018 - Promoting value addition among farmers in the cassava food value chain in Nigeria

Autores: Emmanuel Donkor, Stephen Onakuse, Joe Bogue, Ignacio de Los Rios
Título: Promoting value addition among farmers in the cassava food value chain in Nigeria
Revista: British Food Journal. ISSN 0007-070X
Volumen: 120.(9)
Indexado en ISI:  
Páginas: inicial: 2047   final:   2065
Fecha: 2018
Lugar de Publicación: England
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The purpose of this paper is to analyse the effects of the determinants of farmer participation in value addition through cassava processing in Nigeria. This study employs the probit model to analyse the determinants of farmer participation in value addition whereas the Tobit model is used to investigate the determinants of the extent of producer’s involvement in value addition using a data set of 400 cassava farmers drawn from the Oyo State of Nigeria. The findings further indicate that among other factors, human capital factors including farmer age and location variable tend to reduce farmer participation in value addition through processing whereas experience and record keeping promote farmer participation in cassava processing. Institutional variables, notably membership of farmer association, extension access and credit access, enhance farmer participation in value addition. Finally, ownership of a radio set, a television set and access to electricity strengthen the value-adding capacity of farmers. The study concludes that if the value-adding capacity of farmers is strengthened, rural economy is likely to be improved upon through the proliferation of rural food processing enterprises.

Keywords: África, Cassava, Food Value Chain, Provit, Rural Development, Rural Farmers, Tobit,Value Addition, Q00, Q10, Q16, Q19.

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Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería
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