Artículos de investigación

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2011 - The integration of project competences within the post-graduate programme: a case study of the International Masters in Rural Development AGRIS MUNDUS

Autores: Ignacio de los Ríos Carmenado, José María Díaz-Puente y José Luis Yagüe Blanco
Título: The integration of project competences within the post-graduate programme: a case study of the International Masters in Rural Development AGRIS MUNDUS
Revista: Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences. ISSN: 1877–0428
Volumen: 15
Páginas: Inicial: 96 Final: 110
Fecha: 2011
Editorial: Elsevier Science BV
Lugar de Publicación: Holanda
Enlace: Pinche aquí



Experiences relating to the International Masters in Rural Development from the Technical University of Madrid (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, UPM), the first Spanish programme to receive a mention as a Registered Education Programme by the International Project Management Association (IPMA) are considered. Backed by an educational strategy based on Project-Based Learning dating back twenty years, this programme has managed to adapt to the competence evaluation requirements proposed by the European Space for Higher Education (ESHE). In order to do this the training is linked to the professional qualification by using competences as a reference leading to the qualification in project management as established by the IPMA.

Keywords: Competences; Project Management; ESHE; Project-Based Learning; Educational Innovation

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