Artículos de investigación

Área de Dirección de Proyectos

2012 - Project management competence analysis in rural communities through territorial representation: application to Aymara women communities in Puno (Peru)

Autores: Ignacio de los Ríos Carmenado y Susana Sastre Merino
Título: Project management competence analysis in rural communities through territorial representation: application to Aymara women communities in Puno (Peru)
Revista: 2nd International Conference on Applied Social Science (ICASS 2012)
Volumen: 2
Páginas: Inicial: 402 Final: 410
Fecha: 2012
Lugar de Publicación: U.S.A.
Documento: Pinche aquí
Enlace: Pinche aquí



The acquisition of technical, contextual and behavioral competences is a prerequisite for sustainable development and strengthening of rural communities. Territorial display of the status of these skills helps to design the necessary learning, so its inclusion in planning processes is useful for decision making. The article discusses the application of visual representation of competences in a rural development project with Aymara women communities in Peru. The results show an improvement of transparency and dialogue, resulting in a more successful project management and strengthening of social organization.

Keywords: Competences, Rural communities, Aymara women, territorial representation, Development


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