Artículos de investigación

Área de Dirección de Proyectos

2011 - An approach of the European higher education framework to the management of higher education at university level in Peru

Autores: Isabel Chiyón, Martín Palma y Adolfo Cazorla
Título: An approach of the European higher education framework to the management of higher education at university level in Peru
Revista: Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences. ISSN: 1877–0428
Volumen: 15
Páginas: inicial: 586   final:   591
Fecha: 2011
Editorial: Elsevier Science BV
Lugar de Publicación: Holanda
Documento: Pincha aquí
Enlace: Pinche aquí



This communication research gives an insight to University Education in Peru and a brief review of the main European documents that deal with the European Higher Education Framework, highlighting the principles upon which it is based, as well as the strategic objectives that it sets forth and the tools to achieve them.
The purpose of this process is to adapt our university education management in Peru to the EEES, seeking to identify the limitations and constraints faced with regard to the keys of European convergence and the means or instruments that we have in order to attain convergence in Peru.

Keywords: European higher education framework, university management, European convergence, University Education in Peru

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