Artículos de investigación

Área de Evaluación

2013 - Evaluación de la institucionalización de la nueva gobernanza en el desarrollo rural en México

Autores: Obeimar Balente-Herrera, José María Díaz-Puente y Manuel Roberto Parra-Vázquez
Título: Evaluación de la institucionalización de la nueva gobernanza en el desarrollo rural en México
Revista: Economía, sociedad y territorio
Indexado en: Scopus
Volumen: 42
Páginas: Inicial: 495 Final: 519
Fecha: 2013
Lugar de Publicación: México
Documento: Pinche aqui
Enlace Pinche aqui



Institutionality with a new-governance approach is the prevailing paradigm in the international agenda; new governance has economic efficiency as a supreme value. Upon this institutionality rest what has been fostered in rural development in Mexico for more than a decade; this has agreed with the continuity of center-right governments. Thus, in the present research the institutionalization of new governance in rural development in Mexico was analyzed through two case studies: “Alianza para el Campo” compared to a pilot project of multilateral organisms. Results indicate that decentralization remained at the federal states and reached balance of powers between the federal executive and the states; however there was no advancement in the participation of social and private actors, in deregulation and in improving efficacy.

Keywords: Institutionality, governance, decentralization, participation, efficacy



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