Artículos de investigación

Área de Evaluación

2013 - Evaluation of Development Projects: a Process-Centered Approach in the Outskirts of Lima, Peru

Autores: José Luis Yagüe, Agustín Montes y Francisco Javier Morales
Título: Evaluation of Development Projects: a Process-Centered Approach in the Outskirts of Lima, Peru
Revista: Cuadernos de Desarrollo Rural. ISSN: 0122-1450
Volumen: 10 (70)
Indexado en ISI: Si. Factor de Impacto (2011): 0,143
Páginas: Inicial: 181 Final: 200
Fecha: 2013
Lugar de Publicación: Bogota, Colombia
Documento: Pinche aqui
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Development cooperation projects work with people involved in processes of change and social transformation. While the main objective of the intervention is the development process itself, the project’s quality will be determined by the way of implementing it. Its success lies in the sustainability of the generated processes and the connection with them by the involved actors. The evaluation analyses both aspects. This article examines the evaluation, under a process approach, of a project on urban agriculture in Lima (Peru). The results show that the use of this approach, which combines different evaluation tools, allows the identification and analysis of the processes with the involved members, providing a better understanding of the real sustainability of the results.

Keywords: Evaluation, empowerment evaluation, process mapping, development projects; city planning and redevelopment, urban agriculture, urban development.


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