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2015 - A gaze on Rural Education According to Scientific Discourses during the Last Decade

Autores: Gretel Rivera, María Rivera y José María Díaz-Puente
Título: A gaze on Rural Education According to Scientific Discourses during the Last Decade
Revista: Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences. ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV. ISSN: 1877–0428
Volumen: 197
Páginas: Inicial: 1684  Final: 1689 
Fecha: 2015
Lugar de Publicación: Holanda
Enlace: pinche aquí



The largest proportion of illiteracy and lack of access to education in the world is concentrated in rural areas; therefore it is important to ensure there is access to quality education in these spots. This challenge is assumed by different branches of social research and it is reflected within the publication of articles in scientific journals. In the present document the scientific discourse surrounding the theme of rural education during the last decade was analyzed. To do this, the paper focuses on three aspects: the countries that set the agenda, the geographical areas that represent most of the attention and the prevalent themes within continents. It was observed that USA was the most productive country in terms of scientific writings with 30%; that Asia is really interested in health issues associated to rural education; that in Europe gender issues are on the table and that the African and Asian continents, as well as Latin America, are interested only on their own issues, as 100% of the times they only wrote about themselves.

Keywords: rural education, development content, analysis scientific, discourse Nvivo

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