Carmen Marín Ferrer
Associate Professor at the Polytechnic University of Madrid
Higher Technical School of Agronomic, Food and Biosystems Engineering
Email: carmen.marin@upm.es
PhD in Agricultural Engineering from the Polytechnic University of Madrid, she is an Associate Professor in the Department of Agroforestry Engineering of the Higher Technical School of Agronomic, Food and Biosystems Engineering, She currently works as a teacher and researcher in the area of Geomatics, mainly in Geographic Information Systems, Geostatistics and Remote Sensing.
She spent 3 years with a European Union Predoctoral Fellowship at the Joint Research Centre (JRC) based in Ispra (Italy), within the MARS project - Monitoring Agriculture using the Remote Sensing and was an Adjunct Professor at the Catholic University of Ávila in the period 2000-2010.
R+D+i Projects in Competitive Calls:
- Methodology for the assessment of impacts and risks of climate change on Spanish agriculture, at regional and farm level. (2001)
- Methodology for the assessment of impacts and risks of climate change on Spanish agriculture, at regional and farm level (2004).
- Methodology for the assessment of impacts and risks of climate change on Spanish agriculture, at the regional level and on agricultural holdings (2008).
Contracts and Agreements in Non-Competitive R+D+i Projects:
- SEN4Stat- Sentinels for Agricultural Statistics (2023)
- Methodological definition of monitoring technologies using airborne sensors for the analysis of forest masses and areas with high vegetation density.
- Methodology for the development of a geographic information system on sustainable rural development indicators (2009).
Featured articles and book chapters:
- Earth Observation Applications to Agricultural and Environmental Statistics. From the Edited Volume Revolutionizing Earth Observation - New Technologies and Insights. Capítulo de libro (2024).
- Evaluation of sampling methods and assessment of the sample size to estimate the weed seedbank in soil, taking into account spatial variability (2004) Índice de impacto: 1.265.
- Integration of remote sensing data into national statistics office sampling designs for agriculture (2023). Índice de impacto: 0.8.
Papers in Congresses:
- Presentations at national and international events, such as the Conference of the Spanish Society of Biometrics and the National Congress on Global Change.