Cristina Velilla Lucini
Professor at the Polytechnic University of Madrid
Higher Technical School of Agronomic, Food and Biosystems Engineering
Email: cristina.velilla@upm.es
PhD in Agricultural Engineering (1999) and Professor at the Polytechnic University of Madrid since 2002 in the Area of Knowledge Cartographic Engineering, Geodesy and Photogrammetry. He teaches and researches in the Department of Agroforestry Engineering of the School of Agronomic, Food and Biosystems Engineering. He currently teaches Graphic Expression and Geographic Information Systems (GIS). He has participated in projects and professional works related to aerial photogrammetry, topography and graphic engineering. He is currently part of the research team that is carrying out work on the collection of spatial data using airborne and ground-based LiDAR sensors for the estimation of biomass and CO2 captured in woody crops. It also collaborates in the use of GIS as integrating tools of spatial information for the monitoring and analysis of indicators linked to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through the Food Bank Chair directed by the Director of the GESPLAN Research Group.
From 2008 to 2016 she held the position of Academic Secretary of the ETSI. Agronomists and since 2022 she has been Deputy Director of the Department of Agroforestry Engineering.
Thesis: "Digital Orthophotography: Methods, Precisions and Applications in Rural Engineering"
R+D+i Projects in Competitive Calls:
- Project on planimetric precision in historical maps: Researcher. (2010)
- Underground constructions as bioclimatic models: (2007)
- Historical cartography in the Royal Site of Aranjuez: (2005).
Contracts and Agreements in Non-Competitive R+D+i Projects:
- Development of forest characterization systems and land use methodologies.
- Methodological definition of monitoring technologies using airborne sensors for the analysis of forest masses and areas with high vegetation density (2024).
- Testing and validation of technologies for the analysis of power lines by airborne photogrammetric methods (2023).
Featured articles:
- "Basket-Handle Arch": Published in Symmetry (2019), Impact Index: 2,143.
- “Rampant Arch and Its Optimum Geometrical Generation”. Publicado en Symmetry (2019), Índice de impacto: 2.143.
- "Similarities between the Washington Plan and the Royal Site of Aranjuez": Journal of Urban Planning and Development (2019), Impact Index: 1.165.
Papers in Congresses:
- Presentations at national and international events, such as the International Congress of Graphic Engineering and the Iberian Congress of AgroEngineering.