Fernando Ruiz Mazarrón

Fernando Ruiz Mazarrón

Full Professor of the Area of Agroforestry Engineering
Higher Technical School of Agronomic, Food and Biosystems Engineering
email: f.ruiz@upm.es

a) Academic record

Agricultural Engineer (2006), Bachelor of Food Science and Technology (2009) and PhD in Agricultural Engineering (2010) from the Polytechnic University of Madrid.

Research Teaching Staff at the Polytechnic University of Madrid since January 2007. Accredited as a University Professor since 2024.

Secretary of the Department of Agroforestry Engineering for 2 terms, result of the merger of 6 previous Departments (Department of Construction and Rural Roads, Rural Engineering, etc.).

Member of the Mobility Commission of the ETSIAAB and coordinator of international mobility of the degree in Engineering and Agronomic Science for several years.

Director of the VII School of the Environment "Tatiana Pérez de Guzmán el Bueno", Energy transition for a sustainable future of agricultural farms, in the Summer Courses of the Menéndez Pelayo International University.


b) Research history

His research activity combines two main lines. The first, the constructions for wineries, highlighting the buildings with almost zero energy, within the framework of 4 projects of the National R+D+i Plan and other minor projects. The second, a complementary line of improvement of energy efficiency and energy supply through renewable sources in agro-industries (including wineries) and farms. Of note is the participation in two European technology transfer projects in agro-industries to improve their energy efficiency and the design, development and monitoring of an experimental solar system that has been the basis of numerous works. He has also collaborated in secondary lines of heritage, bioclimatic construction, earth constructions and scientometric analysis.

As a summary of the results, the different lines of research have given rise to 42 articles published in JCR journals, with half of them being the corresponding author. More than 75% of the articles have been published in journals located in Q1 (62% in Q1). Along with the articles, a patent and 33 communications in 20 congresses. In addition, he has been director/co-director of 8 doctoral theses.


c) Teaching history

The teaching activity has been developed at the Polytechnic University of Madrid for 16 years, teaching more than 2000h of classes in 21 subjects of 11 degrees (Agricultural Engineer, 6 degrees and 4 master's degrees). More than two-thirds in Electrical Engineering and Electronics subjects. The rest are in electrical installations, electrification and energy supply. He has been coordinator of 7 subjects, performing this function a total of 30 times.

Its teaching activity has been highly valued both by internal quality assurance systems and by students. He has obtained an overall assessment of the teaching activities "Very Favorable" in the Docentia-UPM program in 2014 and 2019 and "Outstanding" in 2024. He has been awarded in the first six editions of the Golden Spike Awards for teaching merit.

Member of the consolidated group of Educational Innovation in "Electrical and Automatic Technologies of Rural Engineering" (GIE-64), awarded with the Educational Innovation Groups Award of the UPM. Within the framework of this group, he has participated in 7 educational innovation and service-learning projects. As a result of the work carried out, 2 articles have been published in teaching journals, a book chapter and 11 communications at conferences.

Tutor/co-tutor of 15 Final Degree Projects/Projects, most of them related to the supply of renewable energy and the improvement of energy efficiency in agro-industries. In addition, academic tutor of 5 curricular internships in companies.


d) Other merits

10 electrical projects in collaboration with architecture studios, some of them in emblematic places such as the old tobacco factory in Madrid or the MAPA.

Evaluator of projects of the Research and Development Studies Program (PIED) of the Spanish Agency for Spanish Cooperation. 



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