Ignacio Cañas Guerrero
Full Professor of the Agroforestry Engineering Area
Higher Technical School of Agronomic, Food and Biosystems Engineering
email: paisajeignacio@gmail.com
He holds a PhD in Agricultural Engineering from the Polytechnic University of Madrid (UPM) in 1993. Professor of the Agroforestry Engineering Area at the UPM with 4 six-year research periods (Ministry of Education and Science). Master’s in business management and administration (executive MBA) from Instituto de Empresa de Madrid.
He has been director of the PADOC research group at the Polytechnic University of Madrid (UPM). President of the Construction Standardisation Committee (UNE) CTN 41. Creator and president of a national land standardization group AEN/CTN 41/SC11. External evaluator of the Research Consolidation Program of the University System of Galicia. (ACSUG). Project Director of competitive calls, 9 projects with a total duration of 22 years. Director of 20 doctoral theses. Dozens of publications, of which 51 are articles indexed in Web of Science.
Among the activities and positions he has held, we highlight:
- He has been director of the PADOC research group at the Polytechnic University of Madrid (UPM).
- President of the Construction Standardisation Committee (UNE) CTN 41.
- Creator and president of a national land standardization group AEN/CTN 41/SC11.
- External evaluator of the Research Consolidation Program of the University System of Galicia.
- Project Director of competitive calls, 9 projects with a total duration of 22 years.