Autores: | José María Diaz-Puente, Francisco J. Gallego, Pablo Vidueira, Antonella Rocco-Aguilera |
Título: | Information as a Key Tool for Rural Development. 25 Years of Experience in Spain |
Revista: | Procedia-Social and behavioral science. ISSN: 1877-0428 |
Volumen: | 46 |
Páginas: | inicial: 1208 final: 1212 |
Fecha: | 2012 |
Lugar de Publicación: | Barcelona, España |
Enlace | Pinche aquí |
The lack of useful information has become a major obstacle that hinders the participation of the members of the community in the development process because they can not accurately perceive how their individual and/or collective action can influence their environment, and because of the lack of elements that support the decision-making processes. This article addresses these issues from the work carried out by the Association Instituto de Desarrollo Comunitario de Cuenca (IDC Cuenca) in the rural areas of this province of Spain for 25 years. The results show how the application of methodologies for the transmission of information tailored to each group of recipients in some aspects, enhances the participation of individuals.
Keywords: Rural development; information; participation; transmission; adaptation; utility