Artículos de investigación

Área de Dirección de Proyectos

2013 - International professional skill models

Autores: Dante Guerrerro Chanduvi e Ignacio de los Rios Carmenado
Título: International professional skill models
Revista: Dyna Ingeniería e Industria. ISSN: 1989-1490
Volumen: 88
Páginas: Inicial: 266 Final: 270
Fecha: 2013
Lugar de Publicación: BILBAO (ESPAÑA)
Enlace: pinche aquí



The polysemic term "competences" has been developed from different approaches and models in the international context. The results of this investigation are shown through five models of professional competences, related with their corresponding international certificate of competence.
The models are classified according to the theoretical approaches developed by differents authors from a broad perspective: exogenous, endogenous, external and holistic. According to their assumptions implicit or explicit when formulate their hypotheses.
With each model of competence, a brief description its historical context is made in order to clearly establish the characteristics and principal findings. Finally, the models are analyzed and compared.

Keywords: Professional competences; competence; certification systems.

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