Artículos de investigación

Área de Desarrollo Humano

2011 - ¿Por qué se decide no emigrar? Un estudio de partida para el diseño de programas de Desarrollo Rural en la provincia de Cuenca

Autores: Ana Afonso Gallegos, José María Díaz-Puente y Francisco Gallego
Título: ¿Por qué se decide no emigrar? Un estudio de partida para el diseño de programas de Desarrollo Rural en la provincia de Cuenca
Revista: AGER: Revista de Estudios sobre Despoblación y Desarrollo Rural. ISSN: 1578-7168
Volumen: 10
Páginas Inicio: 157 Final: 181
Fecha: 2011
Lugar de Publicación: España
Enlace: Pinche aquí



Rural development strategies aim at halting depopulation, as low population density implies a decrease in the quantity and quality of social services. For this reason, many studies have been devoted to identify causes of migration in both rural-urban and urban-rural directions, but no studies have addressed the reasons why some people go against the tide and decide to stay in rural areas. Within this perspective, we have undertaken a study that analyzes individual cases of people under forty in the Spanish province of Cuenca who have voluntarily chosen rural areas as their home. “Attachment to the village” is revealed as the main determinant of the decision of remaining in the home village.

Keywords: Rural development, migration, rural settlement, Cuenca (Spain)

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