Artículos de investigación

Área de Desarrollo Humano

2019 - Importance of Wild Foods to Household Food Security in Tropical Forest Areas

Autores: Jeferson Asprilla Perea y José María Díaz Puente
Título: Importance of Wild Foods to Household Food Security in Tropical Forest Areas
Volumen: 11 (15-22) EISSN 1876-4525
Indexado en ISI:  
Páginas: Inicio:15 Final:22
Fecha: 2019
Lugar de Publicación: Spain
Editorial: Springer Link
Enlace: Pinche aqui
Documento: Pinche aqui


This article conducts a systematic literature review to analyze and consolidate empirical and/or theoretical evidence that shows the importance of wild foods for household food security in tropical forest areas. For these territories, forest plants, fungi and animals are not only important as a source of food, but also for generating community income. The main challenges related to wild foods are the negative effects on protection of species and the risks to human health when this food is consumed without testing for safety and nutrition. Once these challenges are met, wild foods can serve to bolster food security which can help to sustain territories in tropical forests.

Keywords: Wild Food; Household Food Security; Tropical Forest Areas

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