Autores: | Francisco Castro Melo y Susana Sastre-Merino |
Título: | Desarrollo y Libertad: Aplicación al proyecto de desarrollo de liderazgo de mujeres Aymaras en Puno (Perú) |
Revista: | Estudios de Economia Aplicada. ISSN:1133-3197 |
Volumen: | 35 (1) |
Fecha: | 2017 |
Paginas | 263-282 |
Enlace: | Pinche aquí |
Since the introduction of the concept of Development as Freedom, developed by Amartya Sen, the methods of evaluation of development have substantially been enriched. From this concept, this research presents a conceptual development of the kinds of freedoms; as well as a proposal for prioritization of major restrictions affecting development. The main purpose is to analyze the process of expansion of economic freedoms resulting from the project: "Development of Aymara women leadership in communities of Puno, Peru". The study describes how the process of capacity building, in conjunction with motivational elements, culminates in the expansion of economic freedoms of the beneficiaries.
Keywords: Freedom, Capabilities, Functioning, Development Economics.